Without much fuss,lets get to the real crap of knowing ME,Let me introduce myself to you all…This is Tarun Kumar Jaiswal (”Reflex” is just my handle,my Mom/Dad never thought of giving me a ultra-fancy name like tht!!)…In “Tarun.Reflex” - The dot ( . ) is dedicated to GoogleInc. for its beautiful & revolutionary services…….and what I like and dislike is more of a technical side of the view than the personal. I do not think I can describe myself personally as it is for you to perceive… What I like the most in this world is DATA(in any form). I just love it…and managing & collecting it is one of my favorite pass times so no wonder I can sit before my computer till eternity. Perfection and optimization even atmicro level is what I aim at.. So you should not get a shock when I say that I love ORACLE. As my friends say that I am a very imaginative person…I have decided to fill the profile with some of my ideas….I am saying “some” because most of my imaginations are quite weird….and had there been censorship out here ,I would have been hanged till death for the out-of-world content and potentially dangerous thought.
‘Less to know,Much to Explore’ is my philosophy of life and I struggle well enough to achieve it.I cant sit idle and desperately need something(or anything) to keep myself busy. E-Books & Sharing are best things that I found out towards attainment of a non-desirable “Keeping- Myself - Busy” goal.
I like to assist and know new people.The next thing I m crazy about is READING…I just cant help it.Books are my best companions and have quite successfully provided nutrition to my hungry mind. They are now my religion.And last comes my another passion - “Troubleshooting” …….Its “Putting Right What Once Went Wrong!”
So friends, Thts enough ! !
Enjoy, Its later than you think!!
“To the everlasting wisdom of my Angels, Elementals, Guides and Ascended Masters for making my life abundant, prosperous and fulfilling.”